Ioan Nagl - Director general OST Transport
“Cel mai frumos camion din România” – e titlul pe care Ioan îl obține an de an. Un împătimit al concursurilor pentru camioane, Ioan e pasionat de motociclism, tuning de camioane și… cam de orice sport ce implică un motor!
Daniel Burlacu - General Manager Calcarul SA
A 20 years history with 75 Scania vehicles.
If a truck runs vertically, it would pass over the ozone layer in a few minutes; which means that the safety belt makes possible the life on Earth. It is a fragile balance! The first step for its protection? A “smart” consumption. Larger quantities of CO2 emissions are due to high fuel consumption. High fuel consumption means higher costs. You can test this on the road, every day! Scania and OMV recommend you not to consume more fuel, but to consume “smart”! Therefore, you can reduce CO2 emissions and costs, extending the lifespan of the engine and its components.